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The Peninsular War was the successful military operations in Spain and Portugal 1808-14 by the British and allied local forces, largely under Wellington, to drive the French from the Iberian peninsula.

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Also nicotin, poisonous volatile alkaloid base found in tobacco leaves, 1819, from French nicotine, earlier nicotiane, from Modern Latin Nicotiana, the formal botanical name for the tobacco plant, named for Jean Nicot (c. Late Old English sott "stupid person, fool," from Old French sot, from Gallo-Roman sott- (probably related to Medieval Latin sottus, ), of uncertain origin, with cognates from Portugal to Germany.

Island group in the Atlantic about 800 miles west of Portugal, discovered by the Portuguese in 1492, said to be from Portuguese azor açor "a hawk, goshawk," and called for the abundance of hawks or buzzards there, but this is likely folk-etymology. The Peninsular Campaign in the American Civil War was the unsuccessful attempt by the Army of the Potomac, under McClellan, in the spring and early summer of 1862 to capture Richmond, Va.


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